Our Promise
Our mission is a club and community that are sustainable — both economically & environmentally.
The Clear Creek Tahoe community sits amidst the irreplaceable natural beauty of the Sierra and the Lake Tahoe region. The Club’s iconic Twin Pines Lake & Ski House is part of the very fabric of the lake’s history. Each property represents our vision of sustainability – protected and preserved for future generations. Here is a unique opportunity to be part of a bigger purpose.
As a Firewise-certified community, it prioritizes conservation and safety through strong partnerships with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC), ensuring both peace of mind and long-term stewardship of the land.
We feel it’s our privilege to protect this truly unique environment. We strive not to just build, but to restore and maintain the natural landscape, not just for us, but for future generations as well. It’s easy to envision a future here – for you, your children, and for their children, enjoying the natural beauty and recreational opportunities of these treasured places, and knowing that you have played an important part in keeping the land as it should be, now and forever.
We are guided by an enduring respect for the land and a view of the natural world as a place to be shared not conquered.
Our like-minded and spirited collaborators in preservation and sustainability:
The Nature Conservancy
The Tahoe Rim Trail Associates
The Carson Valley Trail Association
Legacy Land and Water
US Fish & Wildlife Service
Nevada Department of Forestry
US Forest Service
Stewardship comes with membership
As a member, you will be an important part of the restoration and preservation of some of the most beautiful property in the Sierra. As a steward of this landscape, you will be connected to this sensitive and vital ecosystem with other like-minded members. Together, we will build a lasting legacy that will endure for generations to come.
Highlights of Clear Creek’s initiatives in conservation and sustainability include:
A comprehensive Environmental / Sustainability Study in 2008 to guide development
An on-site plant provides recycled water used for irrigation of the golf course
The golf course uses existing terrain with minimal earth movement – and far less turf areas than traditional parkland style courses
Rainfall and snowfall remain on-site through natural drainage
The property is replenished through the site’s natural drainage and ecosystem
We’ve charted a different course. After watching clubs across the country that struggle with inflated infrastructure and overhead that become an inevitable burden for members, we’ve focused resources on areas that present the greatest return on investment. Most importantly, we are uncompromising with respect to the quality of our facilities and especially, our people.